Once again, ONCE put a new spin on a classic this week, delving further into Maleficent’s history, reintroducing Aurora and several cases of finger pricking, but also Regina’s early days of villainy. In the Storybrooke present, villainous plans were beginning to be revealed one card and kidnapping at a time…

This backstory reflected well in the present as Regina went undercover amongst Storybrooke’s dark criminal underground mingling with Rumplestiltskin and the Queens of Darkness to find out their villainous plans. This involved the former mayor of Storybrooke taking shots, smashing glasses, sitting in the Cruella-mobile on an active railway line, burning a police car and kidnapping adorable little Pinocchio. And you thought sports initiations were tough!

Emma’s concern for Regina emphasised how much the characters have changed since their war for custody of Henry; little does Emma know however that she herself is teetering on the edge of the dark side. It is clear her friendship with Regina will be an important part of where her ‘potential for darkness’ goes and who says that the author hasn’t already planned out what will happen?
Finally, Rumplestiltskin regained ownership of the Dark One’s dagger tricking Belle by disguising himself as Hook, but we still learnt nothing new of Will Scarlett’s purpose in Storybrooke. Please can we have that next week?