Liv continues to utilise zombification to her advantage as she investigates the death of an old friend. The iZombie world expands with the unveiling of other zombies at large, good and bad, and the growing threat of Blaine’s activities at the skate park.
Bradley James, formerly of BBC’s Merlin, stars in this episode jumping from a suspect with something to hide to a kindred spirit for Liv, and by kindred spirit I mean zombie, Lowell Casey. Also obsessed with hot sauce and chilli peppers to give flavour to normal food and drinks (a hot chilli sauce Bloody Mary looks interesting to say the least) it will be exciting to see how this relationship develops.
In contrast to this, Blaine’s zombie rampage at the skate park continues and it is revealed that the missing persons count in that area is three times higher than that of previous years. In addition to fuelling their zombie cravings they also have a sudden need to steal people’s shoes…
Overall it’s rewarding to see Liv continue to grow in confidence and leave her past depressed self behind. In The Fault in our Stars, depression is labelled a side effect of dying, but in this episode Liv was reminded that although she is dead she still has a lot to live for: getting justice for victims, living life to the full as inspired by Holly, and finding fellow zombies (of the friendly, relatable sort) such as Bradley James. Ending the episode with ‘I want to be alive – now more than ever’ sums up the positive outlook of the episode, despite the constant portrayals of death of course.