Our over reliance on technology has been the source of fiction and terror. Where does artificial intelligence and robotic servitude end? The answer is becoming a reality that draws closer every day. Highlighting the general fear that we all have, our cinemas and television shows are opening the doors for creative scientific exploration into the possibility of being replaced by metallic beings made to look like us, who are faster, smarter and have none of that messy “emotions” business. With X-Men: Days of Future Past, Ex_Machina and Chappie all recently devouring the semantics and resonance of sentience in machine, and Terminator Genisys coming up, Channel 4 has waded in on the debate with their stirring television series Humans.
The cast is absolutely phenomenal. With the likes of William Hurt, Katherine Parkinson, Gemma Chan, Neil Gaskell and Colin Morgan all playing the multiple facets of robotic life, the show is teeming with talent and never squanders them. Each have a character with a different developed personality that set into motion the ongoing future events. However, it is Chan’s soothing robotic tones as Anita, with an undercurrent of danger and intrigue that excel with the show's premise. She slowly develops Anita with this enthralling aurora that, as Parkinson’s Laura investigates her, the writers ensure the audience stays completely engaged with the character. But Chan looks to be a stellar piece in an excellent cast, all ripe with juicy story lines that will come dripping down to us soon.
On top of this, the soundtrack is absolutely stunning, evocative and futuristic. With hopes that themes will be fleshed out and the tension will mount, Humans has a promising life on television as a thrilling, engaging and smart series. As the threads are followed, this series brings science-fiction right into our homes. And much like the Synths, who knows where we are heading with them!