Frank Underwood is spiralling out of control.
The President and his wife, are being attacked from all sides and even their façade of a marriage seems to be a breaking point. In this penultimate episode of Season Three, it becomes apparent how much Frank needs Claire. Compared to last week where we were shown exactly how much Claire needs him, this time it's a role reversal. Frank is the face of his campaign, yet Claire is the all-important voice giving the people of America hope. Hope that Claire, it seems, will no longer provide for her husband’s benefit.
With only one episode to go for Season Three, things are well and truly heating up. Many questions are answered, yet after viewing, many more emerge. No matter how hard these politicians try, the sheer stress of their jobs is eating them alive. This episode is without any stale moments and sets the scene perfectly for the colossal series of events that are about to occur in its final chapter.