For its first five episodes, Homeland Season Four was one of the worst shows on TV. But last week, it turned things around and delivered a smashing episode, which had hopefully promised a continuing increase in quality. This week wasn’t quite as good, however it did contain knock out performances, trippy sequences and a nice cameo.
This week featured some seriously great performances, most notably from Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin. We witness Saul as a hostage to Haissam Haqqani (Who also delivers a good performance), and their few exchanges are fun to watch. Saul finds out at the end of the episode that his freedom is being negotiated in exchange for several prisoners. So apparently there is a light at the end of the tunnel for Saul, although we know how untrustworthy Haqqani is after last week, so there’s no promises.
It’s another cracking week for Homeland, let’s hope for several more as we have five episodes left of Season Four.