The circus comes to Grimm in this episode – Carnival Metamorphosia to be exact, which is a thinly veiled excuse to have Wesen woge and entertain humans. Sam Witwer (Being Human) plays Max, a blutbad in the circus, who when the episode opens seems to be cheating on his girlfriend with two human girls. They’re intent on figuring out how he changed into the Wolfman they just saw during the show. Max woges and the next thing we know, Hank and Nick are being called in to investigate the girls’ murders.

I can’t really remember when, if ever, this has happened, but it's way overdue. Now that Hank and Juliette are in on the secret, I’ve been missing the Monroe/Rosalee/Nick relationship of previous seasons. For a time, it seemed like the show was marginalising Monroe and Rosalee in order to bring Juliette and Hank further into the Grimm mythos, while focusing on Monroe and Rosalee’s relationship only. This is all good and well, but it kept them on the outskirts of Nick’s life for pretty much the entire season. Now that they’re engaged (and asking Nick and Juliette to be best man and maid of honour at their wedding respectively, no less) this episode had them both investigating the carnival on their own because they suspected the killer Nick was searching for might be losing his humanity – a side effect of being forced to woge too much.
As Monroe put it, “Why is it always the blütbad?”

There’s no way to arrest anyone at the end of the day, and the circus leaves with advice from Rosalee on where to take Max for him to recover.
Now, in the Swiss Alps, Adalind, the baby and Meisner finally make it to the road and a car where they find Sebastian. One of the Prince’s minions tries to capture them, but Adalind, flexing her hexenbiest muscles for the first time in a long time takes care of him. Meisner and Adalind and the baby flee in the car, but Sebastian stays behind finally dying like he was always going to. I would guess the Prince is about to call Portland home as we head into the finale.
All in all, a solid episode with more wonderful Wesen history in the mix. But, more than anything, it’s about time we see Monroe and Rosalee re-enter Nick’s life. His life and the episodes in general? Much more interesting when they take an active part in it.