This is an episode where nothing much happens around Nick, but the show does an amazing job of keeping the tension elevated with what amounts to an episode of the travels of Adalind and her baby.
It’s also the episode where, sadly, we say goodbye to Meisner – no, he doesn’t die, but he finally gives up Adalind and the baby to the envoy the Resistance sent to ensure their safety – who happens to be Kelly, Nick’s mum. She is such a welcome injection of fresh air into what’s been a fairly slow moving couple of episodes now that the baby has been born. But, back to the story – Meisner and Adalind arrive at a meeting to point to discover the Veraat are already waiting for them. Meisner quickly dispatches the two attacking him, but there are another two attacking Adalind, who Kelly saves. No one knows her connection to Nick at this point.

It’s an odd flight of sorts. There’s some sort of bonding and imparting of motherhood approval from Kelly. It’s interesting – she had to give Nick up to keep him safe because people were after her as I recall (I could be wrong) and Adalind is in much the same boat. She will forever be a target of the Royals, and she’s expendable. They don’t want her; they want the child, as Kelly points out. Kelly also discovers the child’s powers on this trip.
In the meantime in Portland, Nick is still agonising over being Monroe’s best man. He does not want to kill or be killed at the wedding, which fair enough. Hank does point out – and it’s way overdue -- that since he doesn’t know how Wesen recognise him as a Grimm, now might be a good time to find out. It’s Monroe and Rosalee that tell him it’s in his eyes – when a Wesen woges they can see their true selves in his eyes, so all he needs to do is wear sunglasses at night. Might be a wee bit weird for an evening wedding, but it’s clear that Monroe and Rosalee value Nick so much that they’re doing anything and everything to have him at their wedding.
Unfortunately, Nick doesn’t ever acknowledge what that sort of level of friendship means to him, and that’s disappointing given all of season one and his relationship with Monroe. I guess that possible bloodshed is a worry, but the show has been so lacking in Nick/Monroe friendship, this was just more disappointment heaped on top of everything. It hit home that Nick only needs Monroe now for cases.

What did work though, was Kelly bringing Adalind to Nick’s, leading to – forgive me here – the mother of all reveals. Astonishment abounds all around and it was funny, despite being a tense scene. Maybe it was the funny relief from something finally happening with regards to Adalind now that the baby has been born. Kelly explains to Nick about the baby, and her powers, but I get the sense that the show is making this up as they go – Adalind got her powers back while she was pregnant, so the baby has a destiny that can only be articulated as she is capable of great good in the world if she’s raised right? Sounds like something right out of Believe. Maybe they should name her mini-Bo. Hopefully she’ll be less annoying then the real Bo on Believe.
Adalind’s fear at being under Nick’s roof drives her to run pretty much just as soon as she gets a chance. She goes to Renard, who is wonderfully vulnerable and tender as he takes in his daughter. This kid’s magic power seems to be to make her parents puddles of goo when they look at her – like every kid, I guess.
And now back to Synchronicity – it’s a Jung theory about meaningful coincidence. Like a baby who will forever be on the run with her mother and father, but if she grows up in a normal household, like say a cop and his fiancé, she might be a force for good? That’s my theory anyway, but Adalind is the very picture of a Mama Bear so I can’t imagine her giving the baby up.