Grimm has gone from strength to strength since season one: what began as a show revolving around Nick finding his way in the Grimm world with his trusty sidekick Monroe, expanded steadily in season two. Juliet found out about his Grimm heritage, Renard was developed, as did Hank’s role in the show. Nick was no longer using the flimsiest of excuses for his work as a Grimm. Best of all, Rosalee was added to the cast, and moved up to a regular for season three. By the end of season two, Nick had support around him, and the show was more cohesive, losing some awful tropes along the way when the main character tries to keep his identity a secret. It was a relief.
And all was well with the world of Grimm. Until season three started and a stall of sorts happened.

In this episode, Nick and Monroe conclude the case Nick and Hank started in last week’s episode, The Wild Hunt, it is refreshing to see Nick and Monroe's partnership. The show has been seriously lacking in their interaction.
This episode picks up right where the last left off – Monroe’s parents, Burt and Alice are about to leave Portland after realising just how far off the Blutbad reservation Monroe has gone…but, Alice can’t quite bring herself to do it, and she chooses Monroe over Burt and their tradition. She goes to make her peace with Rosalee in an effort to heal the rift between her and Monroe, but it's clear she's never going to truly accept Rosalee. Points for trying though.
Our Dynamic Duo is back together in this episode when Monroe finds out that Wildsheer are the reason Nick came to him for help in the previous episode. It scares him, and he grows worried for Nick. He asks Nick to meet him at home, but Burt is there, and another argument ensues. Monroe effectively chooses Nick over his father again, and they depart to the trailer.

I have often wondered if the action had remained in Portland, had the Resistance and the Royal Family come to her once they heard of the child, how different this would have been. But, pieces need to be set, I presume, for the back half of this show.
Back in Portland, Monroe and Nick go off to face the Wildesheer only to find that Wildesheer have come to them -- it's ingrained in the Wesen to find the finest warriors to scalp, and what better warrior could they find than a Grimm? The big fight ensues, and a third unknown Wildesheer appears, upping the odds against Nick and Monroe until Burt joins the fray – I think everyone saw that coming?
The Wildsheer are scalped and destroyed, but Burt tells them of an old tale: that after the Wildesheer appeared, something big and bad would always follow. Cue Adalind going into labour.
Grimm has been setting up a long-term storyline here, though the pacing could have been better, I hope it means better things for the remainder of the season. I mean, Renard and Adalind playing happy family? That alone has so much potential.
But most of all, I hope it brings more Monroe and Nick investigating, because it’s way overdue. Or maybe just a better balance – watching Monroe be there just for the research just doesn’t do his character justice.