This episode proves to be one of Grimm’s most well rounded episodes, making use of their huge cast of characters and moving each along enough that there’s actually some forward motion in their storylines.

The show – continuity YAY – returns to Wu as he struggles to make sense of what he saw in last week’s episode. The Aswang is the stuff of nightmares and Wu is still experiencing them tenfold. Unfortunately, despite Hank’s insistence that he should be told, Nick, Monroe and everyone else believe he shouldn’t. That Wu can’t handle what he’s seen. It’s Juliet that helps Wu turn a corner in his recovery when she tells him of her own experiences last season, without ever mentioning Wesen.
As Nick and Hank continue to investigate the case, Monroe and Rosalee are approached by the Council, ie Alexander. He’s run in with Nick and Monroe before so he knows where to go to get to talk to Nick. He wants to help Nick stop Herman but no-one believes that’s all he’s here for. What’s creeping me out though? Monroe and Rosalee are on the Council’s radar as having a direct line to Nick – that cannot be good.

And while all this is going on, in Austria, Renard’s friend in with the Royal family – Sebastian – is finally caught and tortured for information about where Adalind, Meisner and the baby are. Poor guy. Was bound to happen. A frantic Renard calls Meisner to tell him to move Adalind and the child because he hasn’t been able to contact Sebastian for two days. Just in time, Meisner does. Adalind almost seems warm and fuzzy in this episode – maternal instincts kicking in? Oh and the kid still remains creepy. She’s projecting herself to different places, and leaving Meisner to think at one stage, Adalind abandoned her in the forest. Ok, that’s handy. Still creepy too.
Wu finally leaves hospital, no longer convinced he saw an Aswang, but interestingly, Gates is going through exactly what he does –she sees Herman transform into an Anubis before she’s knocked out. The force of scientific curiousity is strong within this character, and that’s a side we haven’t seen – the horrible things humans can do to Wesen. I’m not a huge fan of characters such as Hitler being Wesen like the show is playing it – Hitler was human, and he was despicable (to say the least). Making him a Wesen takes the lesson we should learn from Hitler and the responsibility we have to make sure something like that never happens. So, I wonder if we’ll be seeing her again? And a different reaction to a person seeing a Wesen.
I hope, desperately, this isn’t the end of Wu’s storyline and that he can come to terms with what he sees. Reggie Lee was superb in these past two episodes and I for one think him knowing will lead to the best one-liners in the show to date!