How the fuck does someone review an episode like that?
Like, where to even start? How do we talk about all the good things about this episode when it all goes to shit? How is a person expected to be fully capable of forming sentences after an ending like that? Game of Thrones has done what it’s promised all season, and it has gone out with a bang. And yes, it broke the internet. If we can keep our cool for just a moment, let’s check out the brilliant parts of this episode.
Next up, Jaime finally got what he wanted, and it was immediately taken from him. It was quite obvious what was happening once Ellyria gave Myrcella that weird kiss, but Jaime lost his daughter as he finally got to take on the role of a father. Jaime has always been a man of a duty; family was his utmost priority, and it must be a horrible feeling to know your children and not be able to be a father to them, so when Myrcella told Jaime that she knows, and she’s happy he’s her father, it’s finally something for him to be happy about. Jaime has been on a long journey of self discovery and becoming a better man, and keeping his duty was a part of that. Alas, she died in his arms. Game of Thrones giveth, and Game of Thrones taketh away. It was heart wrenching, but it could mean bigger things for Season Six. Let’s be honest here: Do you think Cersei cares who killed her? No. Do you think she cares what nationality she was, and if the nationality was, say, Dornish? Hell fucking yes. War is on the horizon ladies and gentlemen.
Finally, give Lena Headey a fucking Emmy already. This finale saw Cersei take her walk of shame after confessing to her sins. It was brutal; walking naked through King’s Landing, pelted by abuse. The sight of her bleeding feet was awful, and the pain in her face as she made it to the end was heartbreaking. Who ever thought Cersei Lannister would be the subject of sympathy? Headey plays her with such raw emotion, she deserves every award going.
Jon Snow is dead. That’s right folks, the Stark bastard was stabbed to death by the Night’s Watch at the very end of this finale. Now first off, let’s look at this from the gut reaction; it’s fucking enraging. As far as I know, this scene also happened in the books, and it’s yet to be resolved, so we can’t quite put all the blame on Benioff and Weiss (Goddamn it). Nevertheless, it’s so painful to watch; Jon Snow is hands down one of the most popular characters of the show and it will likely lose a lot of viewers because of it. Now, let’s look at it after taking some time to think. It might not be the end. Fans, book readers and bloggers alike have thought up as many ways as possible as to how you keep Jon Snow alive. Here’s the thing; this plotline may have been started by Martin, but who’s to say it’ll be finished by Martin? The show has pretty much caught up with the books (Apparently), that means that if the next book isn’t out by next season, it’s free territory. Of course, it’s entirely possible that Martin and the writers share ideas for the sake of the show, so how Jon returns (If he does) could come from either of them.
Some people just won’t accept that he’s dead on the grounds of the R+L=J theory. The theory suggest that Jon is a Targaryen (As is Tyrion in another theory, but that’s a long story), and the three headed dragon symbolised him, Dany and Tyrion. There are several other theories as how to he may remain alive, but as far as the show is concerned, his best bet is Melissandre. She’s just suddenly turned up at the Wall, having bailed on Stannis, and hasn’t said a word. She does of course worship The Lord of Light and surely has it in her powers to resurrect the dead, as we saw others do in Season Three. She may bring him back, but this should only happen if they are going somewhere interesting with the story. Otherwise, killing him was utterly pointless, and was done for nothing more than shock value. Of course we don’t want to see Jon go, but as Kit Harington has said, Thrones is about heartbreak. Jon never did find out who his mother was. It really helps the emotional leverage of the show to keep that a mystery (Since it’s kind of irrelevant if he’s dead) and things like this do happen in real life. Jon should stay dead for the sake of not making his death a waste. It should lead to actual story progression, and not just be done to scare the shit out of fans. Kit Harington has said he’s not coming back, but of course he may be lying. Only time will tell, but until the show says he’s not dead, he’s dead.
Overall, Season Five of Game of Thrones has been pretty terrible. Slow paced, uninteresting and gratuitous, but knocked it out of the park for its final three episodes. Season Six better be fucking good, or there’ll be hell to pay.