It was a very mixed bag this week on Game of Thrones... A VERY mixed bag. At times, it was great and at others, not so much. There some ethical issues raised in this episode, the best performance ever given by one cast member, the worst performance ever given by another, and a new plotline that strays from the books and is frankly a little bit stupid. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Let’s quickly get onto a positive as Gwendoline Christie delivered her finest performance yet as Brienne of Tarth. As she told Podrick of how she fell in love with Renly Baratheon in an exceptionally well written scene. Christie was utterly captivating. She turned every word into beauty and was an absolute pleasure to watch. Brienne is such a great character, and she has been since we first met her. Whether you’re Team Stannis or not, it would be pretty cool to see her get vengeance on the rightful king for slaying his brother.
This week also saw a new storyline crop up: Littlefinger and Sansa have gone to Winterfell so Sansa can be married to Ramsey Bolton and form an alliance with them, taking her rightful place as Lady of Winterfell and ruling as she should.
Yes, that is stupid.
They spent this time trying to start an ‘empowered woman’ arc for Sansa Stark, but instead she’s still doing whatever Littlefinger tells her. She’s not finding her own power, she’s marrying into it. And Littlefinger can talk all he wants about doing it for revenge, it’s all for his own plans but surely it can’t work out. From their conversation, it seems that Baelish and Bolton are planning to form alliances with the other houses in the North and Sansa could rule them, but why on Earth would they follow a girl who married into the family of a man who killed her mother and brother? It makes her look weak, and doesn’t make sense at all. This plan is going to crash and burn. Meanwhile, Brienne and Podrick seem to be forming some sort of plan to save Sansa. This could make for some great fight scenes and all, but Sansa has made it clear she doesn’t want to be saved. How on Earth are they going to get out of there alive? Well, they won’t, probably. Either that or they’ll be tortured by Ramsay. Brienne is an amazing fighter, but whether she can take on Bolton and Arryn men together is another story. Let’s just hope it’s not the end for her.
All in all, a very mixed bag this week. There were many highlights, such as the performances of Gwendoline Christie and Lena Headey, and the Tyrion/Varys storyline has taken an interesting turn, but the episode is dragged down by its new plot line. What will the show have in store for us next week?