So over the pond in America, a little known channel named CBS is broadcasting a popular crime drama about an incredibly smart detective who is solving crimes with his ex-surgeon assistant and the NYPD. Sounds like any other cop show right? WRONG! This is the amazing series of "Elementary" based on the characters Sherlock Holmes and Joan (yeah you saw that right) Watson.
I say based, some of the deeper storylines do revolve around some of the elements of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original books, but mostly the story differs. For example, and this is a pretty obvious point, it is not set in London. Many fans I know don't like the series simply because it strays away from the original location. It would be like Harry Potter being set in America instead of in England. That would definitely not work, however, Sherlock Holmes in America seems to work.
It's so good to finally see a female character who can think for herself and defend herself, but at the same time have the flaws and problems of a human being. She is not some piece of arm candy for the series, she has her part to play and is as important as the lead. It's refreshing to see on such a high platform at the "Sherlock Holmes" series.
Miller brings the modern day Holmes back, but the difference is that you get a whole different angle to Sherlock, compared to Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal. Miller's version of Sherlock shows a deeper understanding into his drug problems, which is little touched on in the British version. You learn why he turned to drugs, how he started to get sober, and how his relationship with Watson develops. He adds an edge to Holmes that the other actors don't. He makes this Holmes seem "cool", with the tattoos, the snappy dress sense...and his openness about his sexual experiences, which is very different to the others. Prime comparison here of Cumberbatch's interpretation is isn't emotionally available at all (much to the shame of Molly)
Much like the rest of the series, Moriarty is not what you can expect. I won't be giving too much away in case you haven't seen the series, but all I can say is...brace yourself for the mother of all Moriarty portrayals. I mean I actually had to pause the TV just to get over what had just happened...yeah it's that big!
But that is all I have to say on the matter. If you want to want to find out what happens, watch the series....or Wikipedia it....but the series is way more interesting.