It was the big reveal of the eighth season of Doctor Who. Missy, the mysterious woman who’d been haunting the Doctor’s steps and pushing him and Clara together, wasn’t just any old villain – she was the newly regenerated Master (after all, Steven Moffat made the Doctor female in The Curse of Fatal Death – it was only a matter of time before gender-bending Time Lords made it into the Whoniverse proper). But at the end of season finale “Death in Heaven” she was disintegrated by a Cyber-Brigadier. Wasn’t she?
Gomez is currently filming the new series with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman in Cardiff. She says, “Things have been a little beige since I left Missy behind, so I'm delighted to be putting my lippy back on. I'm positively dying to see the Doctor again!”
In other Doctor Who season nine news, the season will open with two-parter “The Magician’s Apprentice” and “The Witch’s Familiar”, written by Moffat and directed by Hettie MacDonald (who also directed Hugo Award winning “Blink”), and guest starring Clare Higgins. She played Ohila, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of Karn, in the recent Eighth Doctor short “The Night of the Doctor.”
Season nine will be full of returning guest stars – Jemma Redgrave is confirmed to be returning as UNIT Chief Scientific Officer Kate Stewart, as well as Kelly Hunter, who appeared as the Shadow Architect in “The Stolen Earth”. No word yet on whether she’ll be playing the same role.
Check out Michelle Gomez’s specially recorded return message below.