(Spoilers. If you haven’t seen Sherlock Season Three yet, please don’t read this.)
“Moriarty’s dead. They didn’t fake suicide each other.”
Or did he?
Yes. We are now subjected to another cliff-hanger that clings to your hearts and minds as we try and work out exactly what is going on.
Let’s get you up to speed. Jim Moriarty was the main protagonist of Season One and Two of BBC’s Sherlock. A “consulting criminal,” he was largely perceived as Sherlock’s evil twin (to put it simply.) Fantastically intelligent, Moriarty was a spider at the centre of a large web and the minute Holmes and Watson started to crack at it, was the moment Moriarty set up his downfall. At the end of series two, having his name discredited, Sherlock leaped from a building after Moriarty threaten to kill his friends if he didn’t do so. And just to make sure Sherlock would, Moriarty shot himself in the head on the rooftop of St. Bartholomews.
The entirety of Series Three was without him there. Sure, we were treated to flashbacks and a near-kiss imagined by a member of The Empty Hearse but the weight of Moriarty was lifted. Focusing on the reunion of John and Watson, the addition of Mary Morstan and an all-pissing, all-licking blackmailer named Charles Augustus Magnusson; it had seemed the BBC and Sherlock had moved on from Moriarty.
Except we haven’t. Andrew Scott’s mesmerising and terrifying capture of the infamous canon villain left a gaping hole in all of us. So in the tentative few seconds of His Last Vow, Series Three was invaded (as was the whole of London) by an animation of Moriarty stating “Did you miss me?”
Yes we did. But how? How are you still alive Mr. Sex?
Honey, you should see me in a blood-pack.
Sherlock did one terribly dumb thing. Moriarty pulled out a gun, shoved it in his mouth and blew his brains out. There was blood everywhere, seeping from the hole like a drain. But Sherlock, panicking with the fact that he now definitely going to have to jump, forgot to check one vital thing; if Moriarty was dead or not. But surely, did this kind of testing, right? Because for two years, people believed Sherlock wasn’t alive but with Moriarty, there had to be a body. In fact, no. Moriarty had a gun which could easily supply a blank, a blister pack and lay still for a while. Believing Sherlock, too, had committed suicide and with the time everyone was distracted by the leap, could swap the body. Molly was Sherlock’s confidant in the mortuary and we know fully well that Moriarty has “players” in all kinds of institutions. With Sherlock being packed off to his death, Moriarty waiting for the opportunity to come back, reveals himself to start the game again.
The Moriarty Network
Truth is, a lot of people don’t want Moriarty to be alive. Sort of cheapening the drama on top of Bart’s roof, having Moriarty still dead would elevate that. Now, Sherlock and Mycroft would have us believe that they dismantled his network, proving difficult in places like Serbia. But how deep did their dismantling go? The question is who is a step ahead? When you think it is Sherlock, Moriarty runs ahead and vice versa. Needless to say, no matter how many cobwebs you detangle, spiders will claw their way back. Especially the fanatic ones. Although a minor character, the fans and story lovers have clung to ex-military villain Sebastian Moran. Could he be the one behind this? Using footage filmed before Moriarty’s death and being told instructions after death, Moran (or someone like him) could have constructed the whole thing.
Which makes some interesting characters come into play, if Moriarty is dead. The favourite being Mary Morstan. We already know that Mary has had a shady past. CIA Assassin who went independent and did some pretty nasty stuff, the depth of her criminal history was merely touched upon. Thanks to John Watson going all noble, the USB that held her “complete history” was thrown into the fire and lost forever. That is until someone else downloads her file and finds out that she is a matching fit for canon character Morstan. While John is happy with who Mary is now, there is a major possibility that she worked for Moriarty. Could this all be a ruse to bring the famous pair of John and Sherlock down? Is Mary Moriarty’s right hand woman?
This is possible my favourite theory that I have stumbled on. Not because it seems impossible to have the same accent as a villain without people assuming you are related but because I adore Yasmin Akram. She’s smart, clever, bubbly and fun, wholly real in the world of Sherlock. Which absolutely cannot happen so it would be fun if Janine was in fact, Janine Moriarty. In original stories, Moriarty is known to have a brother. But updated for the knew one, The telling sign is the conversation between her and Sherlock in the hospital. The connection, the her “I know who you are” and that eerie charm is very Moriarty like. Could she return spectacularly as well? This is BBC Sherlock who couldn’t let John Watson be happy without making his wife a trained killer (though, that was brilliant.)
Simply put, we can theorise as much as possible but Moriarty’s return has us all confused much like Sherlock’s survival. And we haven’t received an 100% confirmation on that either.
So on the edge of our seats we are with many questions hanging in the air, there is one we are all answering...