As a single male, I think I am biologically programmed to detest this waste of airtime. So what is Loose Women? Loose Women is a lunchtime topical show, where a group of four interchangeable middle-aged women interview C-list celebrities and “discuss the day’s topics”. So why am I so opposed to this show?

Loose Women is Loosely based on the popular American Show The View, which consists of a panel of women who discuss serious political issues and have guests on to help and bounce conversation off. Here are a few example Loose Women topics –
“Would it offend you if your man used sex lines?”
“Is there any place for single sex schools in 2013?”

Take a look at this clip where the loose women discuss “Should a woman ever chase after a man”. The first thing that strikes me is how much they all laugh; I swear there’s something in the air of that studio… Please do watch it all; only towards the end does the true sexist themes come through.
“Should you chase a man? If he’s just nicked your handbag then yes, straight after him.”
“I don’t belong to him, but he belongs to me”

Something else that bugs me about this show, these women act as though they are talking on behalf of all women in the UK; as if when they say something, every woman in the UK obviously agrees and laughs like some sort of mass movement. But this is total shit, of all the women friends I asked, only one of them said she liked the show, the others seemed almost as annoyed with the patronising points of view as I am.
Now I’d like to focus for a moment on my favourite Loose Woman, Janet Street Porter. Janet managed to piss me off long before I even knew she was on Loose Women, I detest the fact that she is one of these people who thinks that whatever they say is automatically correct. They would swear down that grass is blue if you were arguing with them, even when the truth is staring them in the face, and that is one aspect in a person, male or female, which makes me 80% more likely to never ever speak to them again. Janet once released an article entitled Depression, it’s just the new Trendy Illness, in which she slates sufferers of depression and anxiety, claiming that they, like her, can simply cure their mental health issues with self-empowerment. Seriously, search out the article and have a read, you will probably agree - She’s an idiot!
I’m not going to slate her on appearance, that’s for other’s to do, but I will say this, she bares an odd resemblance to a witch, and when you check out the house she had commissioned…

Finally, in 2010, this travesty of a show won an NTA! Please people; don’t ever let that happen again. I’d go so far as to say that the Loose Women are actually destroying the hard work that feminism has strived so hard for, which is the biggest tragedy there is!