By the time you read this, it will be fairly safe to say that 300% of you will have been to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. At the time of writing, such an event is still two weeks away, so you’ll have to forgive me if I inadvertently, ignorantly discuss things which may tie in with the most anticipated cinematic event of the year so far. I’m not rewriting this because of some post-credits shoutout.
The central plot of the episode is a juicy affair, the actual crime played out during the show’s introduction, and the twisting of the truth during the case made for a tense game as the story flicked between the various characters, to show hinting at the various motives for wanting the different outcomes of the trial. The show also held off on the appearance of Daredevil himself, placing the focus on Murdock’s civilian identity until the very end.
Whilst it is still early days, Daredevil continues to maintain a steady course, and once the numerous plots are fully realised it will truly be a masterpiece of a show.