Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way first.
Yes, this version of Daredevil is better than the complete and utter travesty that is the 2003 film of the same name and main character. It would have to try incredibly hard to come anywhere near the near suicidal plunge that almost wiped out the superhero genre before it began in earnest.
Daredevil is a Netflix Original series focussing on the New York suburb of Hell’s Kitchen. In the same vein as many other shows of this ilk, the series is a tried and tested combination of showing the main character balancing their responsibilities within their double life, making the audience see how one aspect impacts on the other in detrimental ways until they learn to balance them out in some way. Fortunately, Daredevil has toned this down to the bare minimum; it would appear that Murdock, the main character, has managed to forge a path between the two aspects and is able to function in a relatively reasonable way. However this is early days, and how the writers will progress with this aspect of the show is yet to be seen.
The acting is also fantastic. Of particular note is Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock and Toby Leonard Moore as Lesley, Kingpin’s right-hand man. Lesley manages to marry the subtle, controlling nature of a traditional crime boss with the lack of respect a second in command gets whilst dealing with the other mob leaders. The only note of concern within the main cast is Elden Henson as Foggy Nelson, Murdock’s partner in law, and who appears to be the comic relief for the show. He’s ably acted and Henson himself is a good choice for the character, but his attempts at humour feel forced into the script. Hopefully he’ll evolve as the show continues.
Daredevil has started out incredibly strong, and with luck will continue to do so. If they can just make some of the night scenes brighter and curtail Foggy’s “humour” then they’ll be on to a real winner.
What Do You Think?
Did you enjoy the pilot episode?
Are there any characters you would like to see make an appearance?
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