Constantine has risen from a shaky start to become an engaging supernatural detective show. This week has the gang of paranormal investigators heading to New Orleans to deal with a vengeful spirit murdering in a method similar to that of its own demise.
The return of Papa Midnite in this episode shows a bit more of the relationship between him and Constantine. Throughout the episode, we see the two of them squabbling about whose respective magic is better, but beneath it all there is grudging mutual respect, and their acceptance that there is something bigger out there helps them to put aside their differences. Their initial meeting in the episode does seem to suggest that Constantine suffers a bit of a blind spot when it comes to Midnite however. Both times we have seen them on screen, Constantine has been taken down with ease. It is possible that this is an attempt to make Midnite seem more in control, but it feels more like Constantine is too trusting and foolish (despite seeing him being savvy most of the time).
This time, Constantine was a thoroughly enjoyable ride from start to finish, and the hints at a wider mystical group of heroes only adds icing to the cake. Unfortunately, the ratings of the show aren’t supporting the quality, so it’s looking like a second season of the show may not be forthcoming. But there’s still plenty of time to change that!