Here’s a double helping of Chasing Life! If only we got that with new episodes of this addictive show.

Natalie Ortiz was briefly introduced at the end of the first episode and has been touched upon once in a while, but remains a secondary plot point which can be forgotten about for an episode or two without much bother. Her existence causes April to question everything she thought she knew about her family but this takes a back burner to her current problem: living with cancer.
Dominic seemed perfect for April to begin with, but April doesn’t feel like she can open to him, causing strain on their relationship, resulting in her being sick while trying to hide her cancer from him and trying to act normal, despite her body’s rejection. Enter Leo, and another potential love triangle. There have been parallels between the characters so far; when one gets a love triangle or a new relationship, so does another character. These story arcs could be spaced out more so that there is not a bombardment of the same storyline across different people.

April’s mother struggles to handle the cancer news and does what anyone these days would. She goes straight on google and searches the illness and symptoms. She goes with April to her appointment, throws away all the food in the house for a new organic diet, and empties April’s room entirely and covers the remaining furniture with plastic sheets to prevent dust getting into April’s system. She does what any caring mother would do by putting her child’s health first above all else but takes it too far and has to deal with a fuming April who wants a normal life and has just discovered that her mother kept a very serious secret from her about her future, should she get one. April is a strong, independent character who everyone relies on. She finally breaks down and allows her mother to comfort her momentarily before she puts her brave face back on. It was almost a relief to see the vulnerable side of April come out after holding it in for so long up until this point.