Chasing Life is back and gives more than it gave in the pilot episode. This show is off to a really strong start as episode two builds upon my main grievance from last week: the supporting characters. To say the premise of this show is a young woman finding out about cancer, like with The Fault In Our Stars, this is not about cancer, but about April’s life.

The strongest aspect of this week’s episode is definitely the supporting characters in the show that were missing in the pilot. April’s work friend, Danny, is sarcastic and unprofessional, obviously there for some comic relief as he starts questioning April on a document he found whilst rummaging through her work desk. Her best friend, Beth, struggles to cope with some news she is given and starts panicking when she’s really needed as more of a rock. April’s boyfriend, Dominic, seems perfect. He’s sweet and kind, easy going and pretty funny as he keeps forcing April into dates she wants but keeps fighting against.

Brenna has her own troubles as she deals with the aftermath of a party and she and her mother, Sara. Though Brenna and Sara reconcile, the air still feels fragile so we probably haven’t seen the last of their arguing. More characters were introduced, such as Kieran and April’s new supervisor, but they were not touched upon as much as the others.
One downfall to this episode was that it began to feel like a soap opera, especially with Brenna’s storyline as she meets Kieran for the first time. Her school aged drama, though aimed at a younger audience, is difficult to connect with if you don’t understand the need to break out of the stereotype associated with private shcooling. The increase of characters added to the sense of a soap opera feel as there are many story arcs that don't directly relate to April.

This show has the potential to be something great. The first two episodes have been very strong, here's hoping to the rest of the series.