Last week’s episode brought many questions of controversy that sparked lots of debate. The episode also sparked plenty of emotions revolving around the trial of Joe Miller and the return to the Sandbrook Case.
I'm With Geek |
![]() by Leah Stone Last week’s episode brought many questions of controversy that sparked lots of debate. The episode also sparked plenty of emotions revolving around the trial of Joe Miller and the return to the Sandbrook Case. ![]() by Hayley Charlesworth and Leah Stone Season Two of The 100 started on E4 last week. For those out of the loop, the show explores the post-apocalyptic genre; in the aftermath of a nuclear war, humans fled to space. But with their space station, the Ark, failing, they send 100 teenagers, locked up for crimes they have committed, to Earth to see if it is habitable. Headed by Jason Rothenberg, The 100 has already reaped a large school of fans whilst being praised for it's action and rounded characters! And lucikly, I'm With Geek were able to sit down with the creator, executive producer and writer of the show to give us his thoughts on Season Two and where the show is heading! ![]() by The I'm With Geek TV Team Another year has come and gone, and with it some fantastic TV series. Join the IWG TV Team as they pick their favourites of the past 365 days! ![]() by Leah Stone Have you ever come a cross a plot that do a lot to confuse you and tries hard to be intelligent but doesn't really do much else? This year’s Doctor Who Christmas special is basically that. It’s along the same lines as Inception, however they’ve replaced Leonardo Di Caprio with the grumpy and grouchy 12th Doctor. You don’t ever quite know what is real and what isn’t, so it is very easy to just get lost in figuring out the plot and not focusing on the other aspects. ![]() by the I'm With Geek TV Team 'Tis the season to sit down in front of your TV and fill your eyeballs with as much saccharine sweetness physically possible. We here at the I'm With Geek TV Towers put all of our favourite Christmas specials into a hat and picked one at random to watch and comment upon. Click on to find out who was filled with Christmas cheer and who found naught but coal! ![]() by Leah Stone So, what do you do when your show has reached the mid-season finale? You create something explosive. A bomb that changes everything, that confuses people, excites people, scares people, makes you curious, but then leaves you to wait for the debris to settle before you can find out what happens next. ![]() by Leah Stone Last week ended with a really dark scene, one of the best chances of finding the Mountain Men and bringing peace with the Grounders had been shot dead and Clarke’s health left questionable. Meanwhile Finn and Murphy are out trying to find Clarke, Kane is off to try and make a deal with the Grounders and Jasper is concerned about Clarke’s whereabouts. ![]() by Leah Stone Last week we learnt what the drawings that Coulson keeps carving actually mean, causing the team to search for the city that the drawings mapped out. We see many plotlines take place, making the episode fast paced, manic and, perhaps, a little bit too busy. ![]() by Leah Stone There always have been problems at Coal Hill School. It was the setting for the very first episode of Doctor Who, as the Doctor’s grandchild, Susan Foreman, was a student there. In Remembrance of the Daleks, the Daleks set up base at the school. Now, Clara is a teacher there, and in this week’s episode the school faces the threat of a Skovox Blitzer, one of the most dangerous creatures ever created, and one that had enough ammunition to destroy the entire planet. |
TV Editor: Graham Osborne
TVReviews on the best TV has to offer, as well as retrospective looks at the shows of yesteryear we miss so much. Email: [email protected]
July 2015