After this, there is only one episode left. This season has been so rubbish. I could go on forever but I think I’ll wait until the last episode before I start reflecting/ranting. Let’s just get this one out of the way first.
I'm With Geek |
![]() By Robbie Jones After this, there is only one episode left. This season has been so rubbish. I could go on forever but I think I’ll wait until the last episode before I start reflecting/ranting. Let’s just get this one out of the way first. ![]() By Robbie Jones So, Homeland has only 2 episodes left before this season is up. And if I’m honest....I’m not all that bothered. True, I’ve done nothing but praise the show these past few weeks, but the season as a whole I think has been rather bad. This episode was very conflicting, switching really good to really bad back and forth. So, let’s get into it. ![]() By Robbie Jones Hello all! If you remember last week, I said the show has returned to its former glory. Lucky for us, it’s continued this streak, and we’ve been blessed with another fantastic episode! So, what’s going down this week? ![]() By Robbie Jones Hello folks! I’m back again with the latest Homeland review. But for once, I bring good news! I say each week that show is returning to former glory but never quite reaches it. Well this week my friends, satisfaction was found. Let’s get on with it! ![]() By Robbie Jones Homeland is back my friends. Yes, last week it started to find its legs and this week it has returned to decent television. No bullshit, no boredom, no Chris: Just how Homeland should be. BUT NO, BRODY IS NOT IN THE GODDAMN EPISODE! ![]() By Robbie Jones It’s time to check back in with everyone’s favourite mentally deficient CIA agent, Carrie Mathison! Now season 3 hasn’t been too great so far, but I think this episode might be a turning point, as we’re presented with very dramatic plot points....Delivered in extremely dull fashion. So, let’s get to it! AND NO, BRODY IS NOT IN THIS GODDAMN EPISODE! ![]() By Robbie Jones GUYS! Right, ok, what I’m about to say might shock you. I worry that some of you may suffer fatal heart attacks or even just a loss of breath, but this is big, this is SO BIG! Right, are you ready? On this week’s Homeland.... ![]() By Robbie Jones I have to wonder....Do the writers of Homeland sit there and think “Right, Damian Lewis is really popular with fans of the show and everyone is really interested in his character, so I’m thinking that we should use him as little as possible without actually killing him. Sound good?” Yep, it seems that once again, Brody has fucked off into the sunset as we see another week of Carrie’s struggles. However, this time it’s not quite so dull, as not only do two former main cast members return, but the show moves one up in quality. Well, apart from a terrible twist.... ![]() By Robbie Jones After two somewhat dull weeks, I can safely say that Homeland has returned to its original glory! So, what’s going on this week? ![]() By Robbie Jones Not every TV show is consistently great. Great shows like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones have had their dull episodes now and again. And sad to say, Homeland is no different. In the past, usually a bad episode is mainly contrived, but this week it just felt a bit pointless. Still reeling from Saul’s day in court, Carrie goes to a reporter to reveal that Brody was not behind the Langley bombing. However, she’s soon stopped by police, as they take her away to a psychiatric facility for 24 hours after orders by Dar Adal. Peter Quinn visits her to warn her of the danger she is in, but she becomes paranoid and convinced that Saul sent her. Saul visits Carrie’s father and sister and tells her she is unstable and must get back on her meds. At a hearing the next day to decide if Carrie should be released, they tell her they want her back on Lithium, to which she goes into a rage and is restrained and dragged out of the room. Having witnessed the hearing, Quinn tells Saul he doesn’t like what the CIA are doing to Carrie and plans to resign once his objectives are complete. |
TV Editor: Graham Osborne
TVReviews on the best TV has to offer, as well as retrospective looks at the shows of yesteryear we miss so much. Email: [email protected]
July 2015