Folks we have survived the wait! Pats on the back all round. The time has come to return to Storybrooke, our favourite fairytale town in Maine, following the happy conclusion to the wintery tension introduced by two snow queens. But let’s first remind ourselves of the most recent goings-on…

Season four has thus far examined villainy and redemption in more detail, in particular that everyone can have a happy ending. The introduction of the Sorcerer storyline, which covers the origins of the Once Upon a Time Storybook, the Sorcerer’s apprentice and Sorcerer’s hat, holds the key, and with the arrival of Cruella de Ville, Ursula and Maleficent in town we can expect exciting results. Furthermore with the introduction of these villains, can we expect their ‘hero’ counterparts i.e. Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty), Ariel (aka the Little Mermaid) and Pongo (aka Pongo, the Dalmatian) to take a more important role in the show’s story? What could ONCE’s take on one hundred and one dalmations be like? Will the town be overrun with puppies?

Hopefully the final few days before part two of the season airs will be bearable, but from everything recapped above, those fairytale sparks will be worth the wait.
What Do You Think?

Are you looking forward to Once Upon A Time returning?
Are there any other fairytales you'd like to see?
Let us know in the comments!