“I’m proud to be Canadian. We may not have a fancy NFL team, or Prince, but we invented Trivial Pursuit — you’re welcome, Earth. Plus, in Canada, you can go to an all-nude strip club and order alcohol. That’s right. From Moose Jaw to the Bay of Fundy, you can suck down a 20-ounce Pilsner while watching some coal miner’s daughter strip down to her pelt. Jealous? In Canada, people don’t care where you’re from. As long as you’re friendly and maybe loan them a smoke or hand over a donut. I’m proud to be from the Great White North and I wish I was there right now…And we’re not afraid of the dark! I mean we don’t love it, but who does?”
That seems like a long quote to kick off this stellar article, but it perfectly sums up the most Canadian of characters in recent times; Robin Scherbatsky. As the main love interest for Ted in the popular television show How I Met Your Mother, Scherbatsky became much more of her own character and a favourite throughout the comedy show. As the season progress, actress Cobie Smulders' own inheritance as a Canadian came wriggling to the surface as not only a pivotal point for her character, but to oppose Barney’s anti-Canadian views with much hilarity. But not only is she the best Canadian character, she is one of the best characters.

Although half of this may be down to her father raising her “as a boy,” Robin continues to slam stereotypes into the ground and loves it. Though poised and beautifully effeminate in attire, she can also play sports, support hockey, smoke cigars and drink scotch as well as hang around effortlessly with the guys. This is stellar writing. She is just a normal woman who bends stereotypes and clichés. Also placing her career before anything else, she proves to be fiercely independent. She can be equally both the feminine and masculine concepts, smashing what is perceived of gender and it’s brilliant to watch her achieve human status on what can be quite a sexist show (more on that at a later date.)

Balancing different sides of her personality may be one of her strengths, but it’s not the only juggling she does. Robin can be both hilarious and honest. On the comedic side of things, Robin is one of the main gaggle of characters and thus her wit is paramount to the show. And she is hysterical, hitting every moment in the show to a raucous effect. On top of this, she is one of the most honest characters of the show. She is open about her emotions, demanding to feel them and not tiptoe around how that might affect people. If someone hurts her, she’ll say it. If she doesn’t love someone, she’ll tell them and that is a glorious trait for a romantic comedy show where drama may come from lies.

One of the greatest story arcs throughout the run of How I Met Your Mother was Robin’s singing career. Her Canadian pop ego Robin Sparkles offered a backbone of comedy starting with the undeniably catchy “Let’s Go To The Mall” (which has ascended so much into pop culture that you can even catch it on Dance Party games.) It then continued to Sandcastles in the Sand where she played opposite James Van Der Beek and a robot with a love song. Then there was the innuendo filled “Beaver Song” and finally the gothic grunge remake “P.S I Love You” which was truly the day that grunge was born. Each episode with new Robin Sparkles (or Robin Daggers) is a hysterical highlight for whatever series they are in!

This entry is forgetting the ridiculously shitty finale. I like to believe that THAT never happened because later on in the How I Met Your Mother series, Robin met her soul mate, Barney Stinson. Though the womanizing, bit of a bastard, character directly opposes entry one on this list, the minute they are together, the chemistry flows off the screen. Not only teaching him and helping him to grow, Barney loves Robin entirely and she loves him, dedicating an entire marriage for him. Their relationship is unforgettable and works on levels that people may not understand. Possibly through growth, honesty and endurance, the pair become one of the greatest relationships on the show.

All of this helps that the character is played effortlessly by the brilliant Cobie Smulders. Relatively unknown in comparison to the collection of actors in How I Met Your Mother (namely Neil Patrick Harris and Alyson Hannigan), she has proved to be an incredible actress, rising to prominence throughout the series and now looks poised for world domination. Not only is Smulders affable and likeable, but she is a stunning actress, entwining wrought emotion and comedy so seamlessly that Robin feels real. Not to mention she has gone on to several movies, including Maria Hill in the outstanding Avengers and Agents of Shield franchises, making her an incredible geek culture actress.

And who could forget the great nation that she is from? As mentioned, Canada is prominent in Robin’s character. Coming to New York from Toronto, Scherbatsky is soulfully Canadian, using her background to, in particular, spar off with Barney who loathes all things Maple Leaf. Although she can perpetuate stereotypes that Canadian folk may be sick of hearing, her roots make her great and colliding with American culture provide a lot of comedy. It also showcases Canada through a main character, a country that has not too much prominence in a globally successful show. Making all of us go, "oh, Canada."