Better Call Saul has really been up and down for its first season. At times it’s been great, with excellent performances and good humour, and other times, it’s been terribly slow and quite boring. Every week, whether it was good or bad, the episode ends and it begs the question “What will next week be like?” because so far it’s been hard to guess any kind of consistency. Well, it feels like the last two episodes of the show might be pretty damn good, if this week is anything to go by.

The writing in this episode is top-notch. It has that trait that every good law movie should have: Dialogue that sounds smart, and makes you feel smarter than you actually are. For the entirety of this episode, Jimmy is spitting out law terminology, strategies and legal mumbo-jumbo left, right and centre. It’s incredibly involving, actually makes you pay attention so you know exactly what’s going on. You feel like you’re watching something really smart, and that’s good, that’s what this show needed. So yeah, it seems that the next two episodes will cover this storyline, as well as whatever’s happening with Mike. It seems his daughter in law is in need of some money, and he’ll fully become the Mike we all know and love to get it. Exciting stuff!

Overall, this week has definitely been a highlight of the series, and will hopefully continue through the end. Let’s just hope the show ends on a high note; all this uncertainty about quality has made it hard to get excited about the show week after week, but if the finale can knock it out of the park, Season Two will be deliriously exciting.