Batman is back in animated glory after a two year hiatus that began when Batman: The Brave and the Bold ended. Beware the Batman is a fresh new take on the Batman franchise, coming to us from Cartoon Network's DC Nation block. The show began airing on July 13 of this year.
It being a Batman series the premise is fairly obvious, and thankfully the show doesn't bore the viewer with another tedious retelling of Batman's origin. And due to the fact that Commissioner Gordon, voiced by Kurtwood Smith, is not, in fact, Commissioner, but rather Lieutenant it can be deduced that the show takes place during the early tenure of Batman.
Beyond the main cast the show boasts a wide array of foes to try and foil the Dark Knight, many of which are relatively unknown and have not been seen in television and film. Its refreshing to see the choices in villains, picking ones that don't get much love outside of the comics they came from. Also its nice to not have to see another rehash of the Joker versus Batman, or any of the major villains that have been done to death. Batman has a large rogue's gallery that doesn't get to leave the comics and Beware the Batman is changing that up.
The writing on the series is solid, presenting fairly self contained episodes but with pieces of a larger story added into each of the episodes. The show is simple enough to for a viewer to watch a random episode and not get lost, yet complex enough to watch episodes from the beginning and get a larger picture.
The CG animation is very similar to the other shows that have been popularizing it. It comes across a bit boxy and is unlike any of the former Batman cartoons. Beyond the different look, the animation is done well, its smooth and fits the tone and mood of each episode.
Overall, Beware the Batman is a worthy edition to the family of Batman media. The writers do a superb job at crafting a great story and driving the season along. They have created a unique show, unlike previous cartoons and even the movies that have come before, with an array of characters and stories for them to shine in. The animation, though I haven't always been a fan of CG, is beautiful and truly enhances the writing.