The second Doctor, portrayed by the wonderful Patrick Troughton! The Galactic hobo, energetic, eccentric, this was a Doctor who was much more of a clown, with this added energy came a new dimension to Doctor Who, suddenly the doctor could get more involved in the action, he could run, he could jump, he could... Stop and play cards in the street.
By Alex Doust
The second Doctor, portrayed by the wonderful Patrick Troughton! The Galactic hobo, energetic, eccentric, this was a Doctor who was much more of a clown, with this added energy came a new dimension to Doctor Who, suddenly the doctor could get more involved in the action, he could run, he could jump, he could... Stop and play cards in the street. By Tomas Keavney Despite not being overwhelmed by the first episode of Dominic Mitchell’s new series, In The Flesh, over the past week, I’ve found myself looking forward to the continuation of Kieren’s story, especially given the teaser at the end of last weeks episode. In case you didn’t catch it, the series follows Kieren Walker (yes, he’s called Walker…), who is a Partially Deceased Syndrome (PDS) sufferer. After a particularly tense scene at the climax of the first episode, we see Kieren hiding from Bill Macy (Steve Evets) and his Human Volunteer Force, only to see them force an old woman with PDS down onto the ground and shoot her in the head. After a lot of scene setting, it looked as if we might be getting somewhere with the series. By Alex Doust Intelligent, proud and highly opinionated, the first Doctor, played by William Hartnell, travelled the universe with a variety of companions. Though he might not have had the strength or agility of the Doctors that follow him, his courage, daring, intelligence and pure nerve more than make up for it! So here are my three top first Doctor stories… Game of Thrones: Brace Yourself, Season 3 is Coming! - The Lannisters Predictions (Spoilers)3/25/2013
By Jamie Kennett I heard a song from one of my many little birds this morning. They said of how season three is as little as a week away from our screens. While we’ve all been preparing our living rooms for the inevitable, I’ve been looking back on the two trailers HBO were kind enough to send our way as the new season marched ever closer. The first was constructed as a teaser first and foremost; it whet our appetites just so, but gave us enough of a taste of what was to come in the new episodes without giving too much away. The second trailer, however, was a bit less constrained, and was a no-holds-barred look into all the best bits of what are to be the next ten episodes of Game of Thrones. By Heather Stromski Everyone has their own opinion of their favorite guest appearances on Doctor Who, and no list will ever match up as the same. From this Whovian’s point of view, these are the ones that rank the highest – the ones that I will pull up on Netflix and watch over and over and over and over again. What are yours? By William John Doctor Who returns to our screens next Saturday with The Bells of Saint John, in which the Doctor once again meets the mysterious Clara Oswin Oswald! Just in case you're not already stupidly excited and ridiculously confused, take a look at this prequel written by the man himself, Steven Moffat, and don't forget to check back in with I'm With Geek for more Doctor Who geekery this week! By Tomas Keavney It seems we’re all still captivated by the morbid idea of a zombie apocalypse, which is still giving game designers and writers the world over a lot to play with. Most people would think of The Walking Dead as their favourite facet of the whole franchise, and with Ubisoft’s announcement of their FPS game (probably not set to rival Telltale’s efforts in the slightest), you would be forgiven for thinking we’re running out of ideas. By Graham Osborne I wasn’t sure what to expect of this show based on the trailers alone, but after watching the pilot I was glad I decided to give it a try. The titular mimic is Martin Hurdle, played by Terry Mynott, a man in a dead-end job with very little going for him in his social life save for the uncanny ability to mimic various celebrities. At the beginning of the show, we discover that Martin may become a father, about eighteen years late, and most of the show revolves around the consequences of his impending fatherhood. The show isn’t just a vehicle for Mynott’s impressive abilities, all the characters are well written, especially Jean, Martin’s friend, who comes across as a very caring character, if slightly ditsy. By Christian Kern The Walking Dead season 3, episode 14, Prey is all about war. As we left last week both camps, Woodbury and the Prison we’re preparing to go to war. We were left with each side not believing the other’s ultimatums. Tonight’s episode opens with a flashback of Michonne and Andrea spending time together on the road. One night at a campfire, Andrea inquires about Michonne’s undead companions. We learn from a glimmer of her reaction that she may have known them in life before they became zombies. If you read the comic book you know this has a completely different turn of events and the two walkers were people close to Michonne. |
TV Editor: Graham Osborne
TVReviews on the best TV has to offer, as well as retrospective looks at the shows of yesteryear we miss so much. Email: [email protected]
July 2015