Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television series. It began in 2011 and is currently on its third season. The story follows Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt and adds a fun and interesting twist to the original Brothers Grimm fairy tales.
By Gemma Williams
Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television series. It began in 2011 and is currently on its third season. The story follows Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt and adds a fun and interesting twist to the original Brothers Grimm fairy tales. By Gemma Williams The Originals proved once again why they deserved their own television show with this week’s mind blowing episode. One twist after another kept the audience guessing at what would happen next, and it was not predictable; a sign of a brilliant show! By Georgia Thompson This is a deep seeded, passionate hatred of mine. The prerogative of the geek is to be able to lose ourselves in a world of complete fantasy in such a way as to fully immerse ourselves and empathise with the fictional, to be fully enthusiastic without fear of judgement. At the same time, a general rule for geeks is that we tend to be pretty smart. Not to toot our own horns, but we can lose ourselves in these fictions because at the end of the day, that's what we know they are. Fiction. by Cookie N Screen (Spoilers. If you haven’t seen Sherlock Season Three yet, please don’t read this.) “Moriarty’s dead. They didn’t fake suicide each other.” By Robbie Jones It’s the second series of hit US murder drama The Following, telling the story of Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon), a retired FBI agent who is brought back in to help capture the escaped serial killer Joe Carroll (James Purefoy), a former literature professor who bases his murders on the works of Edgar Allan Poe. However, Joe is not alone, as he developed a cult following during his time in prison, who serve him loyally and cause trauma for Hardy, along with Joe’s wife Claire (Natalie Zea). So before we get started with the review, let’s remind ourselves where we left off at the end of season 1. By Helen Langdon The Musketeers have arrived! And episode one was a busty romp full of funny hats, shooting, and lots of mud. By Robbie Jones Most people have a childhood hero. Someone who is so amazing and extraordinary, that it dazzles the mind of a child. It’s someone they can look up to. Someone who gives out the right message or takes them away on wonderful adventures that make them forget the real world. For a lot of people, that childhood hero was The Doctor. And I guarantee, if you went out and asked people on the street which Doctor they remember most, the grand majority will say Tom Baker. By Hayley Charlesworth While weaker overall than last week's season return, More Bad Than Good continues to play to the show's strengths, with the mystery of the week involving something rarely seen in Teen Wolf of late, teamwork. By Hayley Charlesworth I have a bit of a problem with the term Strong Female Character. As a comic book reader, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come across writers and artists merely drawing a woman in a thong kicking ass and calling it empowering. It isn’t. Strong female characters are women who are given as much emphasis, character depth and attention as male leads. A strong female character can be a woman who doesn’t need a man or a woman who is desperate for a man. A woman who saves the day or a woman who needs saving. It all comes from making the character a person. Buffy Summers was not a strong female character because she was the Slayer, but because she was complex. She was a hero and a saviour, a teenage girl in love, a sister, a daughter, a student, a teacher, and many other things besides. She made mistakes, and she faced up to the consequences of those mistakes. That is strength. |
TV Editor: Graham Osborne
TVReviews on the best TV has to offer, as well as retrospective looks at the shows of yesteryear we miss so much. Email: [email protected]
July 2015