The last episode of this season is another example of the show’s writing getting stronger… almost.
This week, Kennex and Dorian are called in to investigate the murder of a 16-year-old runaway. The catch? Her body is filled with straw. It’s a creepy, made even more disturbing of the glance we’re given of straw inside said dead body. Oh, I know it’s a show, but this is the first time in a long time that the show has had a GOOD case.

But back to the case – the Straw Man case or rather body is the same MO as a another serial killer put away 10 years ago for the deaths of 21 people. The catch? One Edward Kennex, John’s father, was the investigating officer.
From there the episode unfolds and hints at what could have been a stronger addition to the Insyndicate storyline of earlier in the season – or alternate, who knows. We learn that despite putting a killer, Costas, away 10 years ago Edward approached his case with suspicions that Costas was set up and that someone took advantage of his mental illness and frequent blackouts to plant evidence on him. Edward hinted that it had something to do with crooked cops and robotic parts disappearing out of the evidence room, but as it turns out, he was being investigated (and set up) for selling parts on the black market. So, again, much like the Insyndicate case, we’re back to the evidence room and people stealing things from it.

A sting, with some screen time for the criminally underused Paul, leads the cops’ drones to follow, and identify a suspect. Once a SWAT team attacks his hideout, they find the bodies of the now missing street kids locked inside coffins. Kennex disarms and kills the suspect and they find out he’s a cyborg – he’s been using street kids to test his tech, and using the bio-printed versions of them to keep the cop’s off his trail. Ten years ago, he had the help of a crooked cop to steal the bio-printer and then arranged to have his partner and Edward killed, and once his tech was perfected he stopped killing, until now.
The show ends with Dorian going in to meet another member of the review panel, so afraid of what’s going to happen that he starts talking like a MX because Rudy convinced him that’s what the panel wanted to hear. Rudy also talked about Dorian taking care of his babies, but you have to watch to understand that. To his relief though, Dorian’s term is extended and he can continue being a cop. AND, he finds out that John gave him a glowing recommendation.
As a thank you, Dorian gives him a leg. A new model not released it. That scene highlights just how great the chemistry between Michael Ealy and Karl Urban is, and the writing is improving, however slowly. This episode all in all felt like halfway in a 22 episode season. I just hope the writers and actors get a chance to hit their stride in a season two.