Since the mid-season finale, the quality of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes has gone downhill, there’s no way around it. The first half of the series was very strong, exploring the powers of the obelisk and Skye’s change. But now the action has dropped off, the plot lacks any real depth and the new characters we are introduced to are weak.

The main problem with the episode is that these new characters could be great, if they were actually developed and given more of a backstory, but they aren’t. Andrew comes and goes, and you aren’t really told anything about these new villains except for a vague story about how they got their powers. Hopefully they will be developed a bit more, because they do have potential. Another thing that really is not developed is the plot. Nothing much actually happens right until the end. It feels like this episode is just a filler. It seems to be packed with things that don’t matter that much. A lot of the episode is focused on studying Skye and trying to work out what is best for her, but by the end of it the conclusion that Andrew comes to is one that everyone knew would happen all along. We see a bit of Mack and Hunter, but again, nothing really happens until right at the end.

The acting, like always, is great. They do the best with what they are given, plot and script wise. Underwood and Wen have great on-screen chemistry, it’s just a shame that Underwood’s character appears to only be here for the one episode, because their relationship could have been an interesting one to explore. Chloe Bennett (Skye) is really good when it comes to switching emotions quickly and we see the spark of Caestecker (Fitz) and Henstridge’s (Simmons) chemistry again. It gives a glimmer of hope that someday we will get to see them as close friends again, like they should be.
This week's episode is very disappointing. The plot was lacking and the new characters seemed extremely disposable. Considering the strength of the season's beginning, it's hard not to question where the writer's went astray.