It’s yet another tale of the daring Agent Carter! Our steadfast heroine has survived accusations of treason, rumbled the enemies within her organisation and dealt a heavy blow to the forces of Leviathan. Can she untangle the web of lies that has been spun and tie up all the loose ends? Have I mixed my metaphors? Read on, dear viewer, to find out!

The story brings together many of the plot points that have been laid out over the course of the eight episodes, as a good finale is wont to do, as well as laying out the groundwork for the next series (should Marvel and ABC decide to continue on with this fantastic story). Unfortunately, due the time period the show is set in, it’s hard to create situations that are tense enough for some of the characters featured in the show.
This is most obvious with the titular Agent Carter and Howard Stark. These are two characters who have appeared in films in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe that have come out later than when this series is set, so it rather dulls the feeling of dread the writers were aiming for when they are put in a “life or death” situation. Don’t get me wrong, the ride is still enjoyable, it’s just hard to feel too concerned that Howard Stark is going to die when you know he still needs to father Iron Man at some point.

Whilst the actions of Carter and Stark are emotional, the manoeuvres of the rest of the SSR team feel a little idiotic. Faced with a femme fatale with years of training in espionage and assassination, and a scientist with a proclivity to hypnotising anybody who gets in his way, one would assume that attempts to capture them, whilst useful, would be put to one side in favour of making sure that their threat to the nation is eliminated. While from a narrative perspective it makes perfect sense, and allows the heroes of the hour to not cross the line into that messy “anti-hero” territory, it is rather annoying watching Thompson and Sousa swan into a building with no real precautions whatsoever.
Agent Carter has had a fantastically strong first series, and it would be a shame not to continue it in some form or other. Hayley Atwell and the rest of the cast play their roles with style and panache, and there is plenty to keep the story going into a new season.

What did you think of Agent Carter?
Would you like to see more adventures with her?
Let us know in the comments!