It’s hard to say where Agent Carter will end up in the long run. The show is enjoyable enough, but lacks the punch of the films, and the series feels more like a slightly more polished Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., with a slow-ish start and building up from there. It’s a good formula, but it relies on a delicate balancing act of maintaining just enough excitement to keep the pace whilst not giving away too much to spoil the rest of the production. Luckily, the episodes of this miniseries are captivating enough to suggest that Marvel are on the right lines.

Jarvis’ reasons for working for Stark and aiding Carter’s investigation are explored in this episode. His actions during the war help show his loyalty and sense of duty, and also explain his devotion to his wife, and the difficulties of juggling his current double life. Jarvis still comes across as a rather naive fool, but is also shows an inner strength and resolve to see things through to the end, no matter what.

Agent Carter still feels a little unsure of where it wants to go with the storytelling and genre. The acting is fantastic and the settings are gorgeously realised. However, if things keep going the way they are, the show will likely peter out before it truly gets going. But, at this stage, it’s anyones guess.