Based on the popular television series from BBC, Spooks: The Greater Good ( I think we are all sick of second titled films) takes the show and places it on the big screen. Terrorist Adam Qasim has disappeared, which is worrying when he was being held by the MI5. When boss Harry Peace takes the fall and then goes missing himself, it’s up to Will Crombie to investigate what’s happened to Harry. Gulp.
Action and London have pretty much gone hand in hand recently. It’s ok but repetitive. And is this cinematic reboot of Spooks really necessary? Are people foaming at the mouth to see it? Well, probably not but you do have the lovely Kit Harrington jumping over things whilst shooting at bad people. Unless you know nothing, that’s a pretty decent thing. Only time will tell with Spooks: The Greater Good.
And if you don’t read the title for the film without repeating “the greater good” in a Cornish accent in a very Hot Fuzz way, then I don’t know what you are doing with your life.