If you watched the first full length trailer for the film and actually understood then you must be some kind of alien because we’re certainly in for a mindfuck as the film serves as a sequel, prequel and reboot to the franchise. The film stars Emilia Clarke and Jason Clarke as Sarah and John Connor (No fucking way was that a coincidence), with Jai Courtney taking on Kyle Reese and of course, the big man himself Arnold Schwarzenegger returning to his most famous role. They’re all joined by Matt Smith, Courtney B. Vance and J.K. Simmons for what could either be an entertaining sci-fi sequel/prequel/reboot/mindfuck, or a complete mess of a film.
Whilst the first trailer gave us more of an insight into the film’s plot, this one is a mere 30 seconds long and shows us a lot of action. A school bus falling off a bridge, menacing shots of the T-1000, stunning visuals from the future scenes, Khaleesi being a badass and Arnie plunging himself out of a helicopter.
Yep, the Terminator franchise is back.
Reactions to the film have been very mixed, with some people on board and others avoiding like the plague. What do you think? Does this awesome TV spot tickle your fancy, or does it put you off for good? Terminator Genisys is certainly not a sequel without hope, but let’s just wait and see, shall we?
Terminator Genisys is out July 2015