It all started off so straightforward. Well, straight backwards at least. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an evil cyborg sent back from the future to kill the mother of the leader of the human army which fights to suppress a hostile cyborg takeover in the future. Then when that fails the cyborgs send back another more advanced cyborg assassin to kill the leader when he is a child. Only to be thwarted by another Arnie who is sent back by the leader in the future to save himself as a child. In the past. And then when that assassination failed both parties send more cyborgs back to kill/help the now older leader. Also, there’s an apocalypse. Also, also, there’s a huge Global Digital Defense Network called Skynet. And then Batman got involved and everything got very confusing. Are you with me?
But forget all that. Because this latest movie looks to effectively be a reboot, with the same cast and story-line and ‘fractured timeline.’ So don’t forget all that, you’ll need it. Anyways, I’m still excited because no matter how convoluted and broken this story line may get. At least we have more guns, more robots and more Arnie!
I don’t know about you, but when it comes to buying ticket, I’LL BE BACK!