When I started Cosplay With Me, I was determined to show off as many facets of cosplay as I could.
I’ve been writing this for five months now and the amount I’ve been able to cover has pleased me so far. But I know I’ve got a long way to go especially with the way the cosplay community is growing and evolving. For every cosplay veteran with an intricate costume, there’s a new cosplayer starting to unfurl their wings and dive in. The same can be said for events: for every London MCM or San Diego Comic Con, there’s a fledgling new event having their debut. I got to attend Wycombe Comic Con this Saturday, the first con in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.

By far the best element of the event was the cosplayers. It reminded me a lot of why I go to events in the first place. There were an excellent range of cosplayers at the event from all walks of TV shows, comics and films whether it be Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones or anything else. There was a rich mixture of newbies and veterans who were friendly to anyone who approached them for a photograph. The community banded together to support Wycombe Comic Con and it’s proven popular enough to run again next year in a hopefully bigger venue. Kudos to the organisers of the show for getting the ball rolling on what could be legendary events once expanded.