Films and television are hard to write, right?
I mean, ignoring the mindless carbon copies of the films that have come before it, art will always be more difficult than it seems. Just look at films such as Adaptation, Sunset Boulevard and Barton Fink - the aspect of writing sends the creator into the depths of their mind like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Only weirder.
So imagine how hard writing adult media is. Then double it for writing for children

So to celebrate people who are gifted at finding this balance, those who can write children’s films and television, BAFTA Rocliffe New Writing Forum, in partnership with The London Book Fair, are looking for brand new writers as part of their Children’s Film and Television Showcase.
For a chance to present their work to influential members of film and television industries, the writers must submit scripts focussing on content for children and families across a range of forms including feature film, single drama, mini-series, sitcom, comedy-drama and animation. From Nickelodeon to Heyday Films, there will be a whole range of production companies there to give you support, if you are the lucky winner.
Helen Blakeman who created the BAFTA award winning script for Dustbin Baby says “The UK has a proud history of children’s TV and film, both live-action and animation, which is celebrated around the world.” And you can be a part of it! All you have to do is submit a ten page extract from your idea and send it to the link below. Deadline is July 27th. What are you waiting for? Get writing!