He was just a working man, working hard with his hands. But, alas, no longer. The final ring bell has rang, and the lights are out. When “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes passed away last week, it echoed across the globe.
I will always look back fondly upon this man. I know it sounds like a highly Southern cliché. But, in all complete honesty, some of my earliest memories were sitting on my Daddy's knee watching professional wrestling. One of the most highly recognizable people from that time was Dusty Rhodes.

However, as with everyone else that eventually passed this mortal plane, I tend not to sorrow over their passing and the things we lose as a result. I'd rather concentrate my efforts on celebrating the things the left behind for us. Dusty revolutionized the promo skits between matches. He was one of the all-time greats. He also proved to us that a less than chiseled man could be sexy and attractive. As a fairly padded man myself, I salute him. Also of note, he gave us his progeny Dustin and Cody; better known as Stardust and Goldust. I always wanted to see Dusty with them dressed up in the style of makeup and costume they use and called “Old Dust.” But, that shall never come to be. I reckon I can't hold that against him.
All in all, Dream had a good life. He was well loved and respected by many, both as a man and a practitioner of his craft. At the end of the day, I don't think there is much more to ask for. He certainly made his mark and will not be forgotten. I know I certainly never will.
Thanks for the memories, American Dream.