A ten year plan for Destiny they said; lots of new DLC in the pipeline to keep players hooked and coming back for more is what they've been promising. House of Wolves which is the latest DLC expansion for Destiny, released on May 19th across all available platforms and boasts an all new social space, gear, exotic pieces and a brand new, never seen before (on Destiny at least) "Horde Mode".

Like with the first expansion pack, House of Wolves adds five or six new missions, this time of which revolve around hunting a particular house of Fallen for the Awoken Queen from The Reef. Yes, Destiny has finally released the DLC which they so blatantly teased in the vanilla game and it further adds to the feeling that most of the DLC released thus far should have been included at launch. After you've completed the additional story campaign, the rest of House of Wolves' offerings are then open to you. As I stated earlier, Bungie have added a Horde Mode which is known as "The Prison of Elders". It lasts for five rounds, pitching you against all enemy types with a boss fight for round five. For the simplest difficulty (Level 28), there is matchmaking but for any difficulty after that and there are three, you'll need to sort out your own Fire Team and if you haven't got any friends? Well then, tough luck. As well as adding a few new maps to the competitive multiplayer, they've also added something completely called the "Trails of Osiris". which is again limited to three players and is supposed to challenge the best of the best in Destiny's competitive circles. With small Fire Teams and limited respawns, it's supposed to challenge the best of the best within competitive circles. Oh, and you can also earn fancy new Ancient Egyptian themed gear if you're good enough to win.
I'm sure diehard Destiny fans will like it (as will others) but for some players, myself included, Destiny has yet to release something that has felt like it's been good value for money.
Nice Try, Bungie.

Are we wrong? Did you enjoy this DLC? Let us know in the comments below!