Frankenstein is one of those stories, like Dracula, that'll be told throughout the ages. Coming from the mind of a young Mary Shelley one dinner party, since it's horrid conception, it has had countless adaptations. The most acclaimed ones include Kenneth Branagh's sublime version with the director as the titular Doctor and Robert De Niro, (yes, Robert De Niro), as the creature; Danny Boyle's stage adaption which show Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller share both lead roles; and Peter Cushing's Hammer Horror performance. Not only that but the take crops up in different television shows, one incredible Mel Brooks spoof and one terrible re-imagining.

Thanks to Empire, we have the first images of this fantastic new take on the horror romp. Whilst one of the pictures definitely looks like the poshest rap album of all time, the other is a defining moment as clad in the iconically terrifying iron apron, Frankenstein looms over his experiment. No word of a trailer yet, as we sit in anticipation but these behind the scenes looks at Victor Frankenstien - though a small bit of information - certainly set an excellent tone. Plus McAvoy can pretty much do anything so we're pretty excited about this!
The film will hit cinemas this October.