Surrandon, much like Marge Gunderson in Fargo, is a small town detective, Detective Inspector Hazel Micallef, who is living in the snowy town of Fort Dunais, Ontario. When she finds the dead body of an elderly woman, she is so disturbed by how brutal the killing is. Unfortunately, it isn’t the last and soon a serial killer rises to prominence in her town. However, there is something more sinister going on in the midst of the town as an ancient religious prayer is being attempted. It is a race against time to find the killer and the stakes are getting insanely dangerous. Can she save the day?
This looks kind of good, it wobbles when it gets into the religious aspect of it, feeling a bit cheap and off. There is a massive case of showing far too much here for it to be interesting, I genuinely just feel like I know what is going to happen. It may end up chilling and stunning, like Seven. But right now, it’s gone from slightly scary to knowing too much too soon.