With voices from Channing Tatum, Diego Luna and Zoe Saldana, the story follows a young man who is has the ever hard battle between following his heart and living up to the high expectations of his family, the romantic Manolo. However, it’s not long before he comes across a remarkable and exciting adventure into worlds where he must face his greatest fears.
Manolo wants to break away from his family’s bullfighting history to pursue his dreams of playing the guitar. His journey away takes him through three worlds; Land of the Living, Land of the Remembered and finally the Land of the Forgotten. These worlds are where people who have lived complete lives and are remembered among the living, go after they die. The final destination is where those people live who have died with unfulfilled lives. His journeys allow him to encounter his bullfighting great-grandfather, who has once been in a similar situation to Manolo; he always dreamed of becoming an opera singer.
20th Century Fox is pleased to release the first trailer for this Guillermo del Toro production due for release this Halloween. This trailer gives a fair part of the narrative and plot away, so be warned, but hopefully there are still several surprises to be revealed once the film finally lands in October.
But for now, sit back and enjoy the spectacle that this trailer brings.