Abraham Lincoln uttered these immortal words before leaving the meeting of Master Builders in The Lego Movie. But what happened before then? What happened between his assassination by Lego John Wilkes Boothe and now? What happened after his presidency of the Lego United States?
Thankfully, the answers to those questions (and many, many more) are sidestepped in the latest clip released by Warner Brothers. Michelangelo and Lincoln: History Cops!
This trailer for a new adventure in the world of Lego, features America’s sixteenth President, and the painter of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel as they join forces in the Buddy Cop Movie to end all Buddy Cop Movies.
Based on the thriller of the same name, Michelangelo is a badass, renegade and loner whose failure to play by the rules resulted in his previous partner (Michelangelo’s David) getting hurt. As a result, he’s teamed up with Lincoln, working with the CIA since he travelled 300 years through time.
Together they set out to bring down the villainous Medici Gang before they can start a civil war with the Botticelli Syndicate. The trailer helps to set up Lincoln’s previous run-ins with both parties.
The film is touted to be an action packed riot, with fantastic one-liners from Lincoln, such as “Emancipate this!” and “I release you from the shackles of freedom.” Will Forte returns to voice Lincoln with the grace and dignity that one should always bestow upon historical figures.
The film will contain all the special effects of the original, and contains a soundtrack so reminiscent of the seventies, you’ll be convinced that you’ve travelled back through time.
Michelangelo and Lincoln: History Cops will be out in cinemas this autumn. (Or y’know, never.)