In this feature, we give you the lowdown on the hottest trailers around. What do we think? Are the movies going to be any good? First up is Keanu Reeves' new movie 47 Ronin.
Christmas is the time for big films, a coveted slot that can draw in huge audiences after months of teaser trailers. Millions of us saw the Lord of the Rings films back to back upon release. This December sees the much-delayed arrival of a different breed of stunningly visual-based fantasy adventure: 47 Ronin.

The legend itself is a little different from the way it’s told in this nineties thriller. In truth, it is said, the master – a daimyo, or feudal lord – was ordered by the courts to commit seppuku – ritual suicide by disembowelment – after losing patience with a royal official and attacking him during preparations for a formal visit, wounding his face with a dagger. Such was the weight of the conservative values in feudal Japan that such an act of shame not only brought capital punishment but obliged the perpetrator to carry it out upon himself. Whilst forbidden to perform any act of vengeance, a group of the daimyo’s men plotted for a year before breaking into the official’s house and killing him, after which they themselves committed seppuku in the gardens for the crime of murder. The warriors are now entombed at Sengaku-ji in Japan and the gravesite has become a tourist attraction. The story of the ronin is so well-known in Japan that plays, books and films based purely on this tale are named as their own genre (Chūshingura). There’s even an annual festival, taking place on 14th December each year (less than two weeks before the film’s release date) commemorating the event. Unsurprisingly, the new big-screen take is going to be a little different.
As for the negative sides, it really just comes down to Keanu Reeves. First, as mentioned before, comes the rallying against the insertion of white heroes to ethnic fantasy and historical tales. Fair enough. Second comes his reputation. It has forever been fashionable to attack Reeves’ acting style (any joke you can think of based around wood and/or stiffness has been done to death already) and to rank him among the lowest of the low in terms of range (yet, somehow, no one has a go at Toby Macguire). Should you hold the same views, this might well put you off. If not, and you’re a Keanu Reeves fan, it’ll do the exact opposite. In either case, there’s really nothing in this trailer that’s unappealing. Even for people with no interest in – and even an active distaste for – fantasy fiction (yes, me), it looks very promising indeed.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
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