We have the Men In Black to protect us from aliens, the Winchester brothers to protect us from demons. Now we have the R.I.P.D to protect us from evil wayward spirts.
The Rest In Peace Department, to give them their proper title, are an elite force of officers that proctect the living from the evil dead still walking amongst us. Like the eternal war between Were-wolfs and Vampires this is a war that humans know nothing about, until now that is.

Directed by Robert Schwentke of RED fame, the film boasts a similar feel to his previous work. The directors style is almost to offer a summer holiday to veteran actors. He takes class A actors and puts them in high-concept films that, although don’t compare to their usual award worthy work still uses their charisma to light up the screen. Here, its Bridges that gets the fun loving treatment.
Based on the graphic novel of the same name, this takes only the title and the basic story line from the comic. Having never heard of the graphic novel, before this I can’t judge the film against it. By the film makers own admission, its not a faithful rendition but the films fun and boosts some great humour.

Jeff Bridges takes some well earned time out from Oscar nominated roles to play Roy; an almost mock verson of his western True Grit character. Roy served as a sheriff in the old west and now, thanks to a few extensions on his original term, is a veteran of the R.I.P.D. Bridges is on top form and quite frankly the film wouldn’t work with out him. His quick wit, charisma and enjoyment in playing his character jump off the screen.

Ryan Reynolds plays off Bridges well and looks gorgeous which is why you want when you hire him. One criticism that has to be noted is the truly unnecessary addition of Nick’s wife. Once dead he tries to connect with her in his new undercover form, an old Chinese man. Why do action films feel this need to add a sentimental note of mush to such a thrill ride? It slows down the pace of the film but luckily, not too much.
Overall fun, thrilling and entertaining. R.I.P.D is a flick to watch when you just need something light. Has to be seen for Bridges awesome take on old western ‘living’ today and so you feel safe in the knowledge that undead officers have our back. But for those of you out there who are disappointed to have your favourite graphic novel turned into a high concept action flick my thoughts are with you.
As someone who sat through The Lovely Bones after reading the book, I know how it feels to have work you love tarnished.