Reading reviews for this movie, you might come across words such as “soft,” “cosy” and “like a duvet” followed by a two or three star review. After all, About Time comes from Britain’s leading romantic comedy guy, Richard Curtis. He gave the world proclamations of love in the rain, a girl just asking a boy to love her and perhaps the most watched Christmas movies to date. The master of romantic comedies, Curtis has practically wrapped the world in a cinematic loving embrace. With this new venture, he tightens the warmth. Is that a bad thing though? No, no it is not.
About Time is a brilliant and loving comedy that is definitely lifted from the usual romantic fare. This is largely because Curtis has layered some impressive drama with classic British comedy. Simultaneously making Time Travel make sense, About Time is not just about Tim’s relationship with Mary but also the consequences his adventures have on his family and loved ones. It is an impressively intricate and thorough drama with humour to boot. Highly enjoyable, the movie keeps you invested in the caring and yes, romantic story to the very end.

There may be some aching for more drama. I was the same. I think it is much a testament to the direction our taste in movies is going when I sat there waiting for the “shocking family secret” or really heart breaking drama. That is what I expected because these romantic comedies have either become predictable or exploitative. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised by being wrapped up in a quaint and delightful movie that is good for the soul. About Time is different and high-quality. Richard Curtis delivers a great movie yet again that is eloquent story telling. And it shouldn’t be dismissed so easily because it is, well, happy.
About Time is out September 4th.