Especially a musical.
Imagine all the problems in your life solved by a few montages and all tied up in a couple of hours (or three if you are a James Cameron movie.) Of course, there are a few problems; as a female I could be horribly typecast and there would be less diversity than normal life. Let’s not mention the genre; I could end up in a horror movie and die instantly (and yes, I’d die instantly or be the villain, typecasting yo.)
So this is the problem that Tom faces in new independent short movie Help! I’m Trapped In A Movie. Having to tread through the world of characters and stereotypes, Tom must find someone to help him work out exactly what film he is trapped in and how to get back out. Can he find out before he is trapped in there forever?
This new movie comes from actor, writer and director Riley Madincea (who also plays Tom.) If you have just five minutes, please make sure you check out his personal website. Especially if you need cheering up as it is full of great old wit. Even the Kickstarter campaign shows epic amounts of promise, especially for those who love meta movies that break the fourth wall with a great big bleeding sledge hammer. The cast includes Emily Tucker, Vanessa Baily and Chris Huntley-Turner who look excited for their roles in this film.
But not just that, if done well, Help! I’m In A Movie, could lead the crew into some impressive film festival and a very wide audience. It looks like it is laden with enough hilarity in it to make us all want to empty our pockets and throw our weight behind Help! I’m In A Movie.
Professed as wanting to create a “super slick, sexy and relentless chuckle fest,” it seems like Madincea and his crew have the imagination, the talent and more to pull out an incredible and fresh short film. What they do need is some funding and support. So if this comedic adventure into the inner workings of cinema sounds right up your street, make sure you proclaim your love as soon as possible; big things are coming from these guys.
Instead of seeming like the villain from your own movie.
You can support Help! I’m Trapped In A Movie here.