The short film follows the life of a young girl who is living in the parallel universe that Shields has interpreted as her own, where being gay is the only way to be, and being straight is simply not accepted. The young girl is secretly straight, and has known from a young age about her ‘abnormality’ and tries not to let this show, but little things keep giving her secret away, and eventually, rumours begin to spread. It all comes to a head when a boy comes along,.. She cannot deny her feelings for him and as an end result; she is a subject of bullying which causes a downward spiral of her behaviour and actions, leading to a very graphic and heart-wrenching ending to the short film.
The reception of this video has both been good and bad. Obviously one video is not enough to change everybody’s minds on the issue of homosexual relationships, but it certainly got people thinking in a different way in what they would normally think when addressing the issue of homosexuality.
The message of the video was to put it out there that being gay and being straight is not a bad thing. Being who you are, even, is not a bad thing. The idea of this video was to not necessarily change people’s minds, although it probably has changed people’s minds as it is a very hard hitting short film, but to enlighten people and spread the word that this is the way life would be for straight people, if the world was so inclined, and that the issues addressed in the film are what some gay people who get judged for being gay or even bisexual have to live with on a day-to-day basis.
“Love is All You Need?” deals with the issues of not only what it would be like for straight people in this parallel world, but also deals with the bullying and the judgement that comes along with having a sexual orientation that does not live up to society’s standards. If you were to watch this video and not focus so much on the LGBT themes, this video would still have an impact on many people for the fact of the themes of bullying, as this is also a huge issue.
All in all, The I’m With Geek Team would definitely recommend giving “Love is All You Need?” a look! This short film by K. Rocco Shields really gets people thinking about what is right and what is wrong. Being Homosexual is not wrong, however society’s opinion on Homosexuality is.