With the sequel hitting cinemas this month, I though it high time to take a closer look at the film that started the franchise, and try to understand how and why a film from a massive toy conglomerate (Hasbro) has made, and is still making the big bucks. My findings are far from conclusive.
Cinematically the film has one or two well lit locations and fancy visual effects shots, but unfortunately these get buried under tired and tested clichés such as the Karate Kid training montage, and military double speak that the Joe's shout at each other during short clips of explosions. The story itself is the film's own worse enemy, because if it wasn't for its self imposed tone, G.I. Joe actually could have been a good bit of throwaway fun, but since its decided to take itself so seriously, I'll do the same.
Heaven knows what the sequel holds for us; but if the laugh free trailer and the directors previous efforts including: Justin Beiber - Never Say Never, it’s a wonder the film exists in the world at all let alone it having a 130 million dollar budget.