If I turned around to you know with news of a new Twilight Sequel/Prequel movie, I think a small minority of you would squeal out of glee. The rest of you, I would imagine, would respond like this;
So what is it about these particular movies that make them so easy for us to hate? Whether it is the pre-teen hormonally injected High School Musical or another god-damn Nicolas Cage film, there is nothing quite like the sudden rush of loathing. And I’m not talking guilty pleasures because there are bad movies out there that just beg for our criticism and we just love to give it. Because on no level do we enjoy these movies, except to hate.
It all stems from an overblown superiority complex. Whilst not all of us are going to be film makers or film directors, there is still an underlining belief that we could do so much better than filmmakers. When tripe such as Meet The Spartans comes out, we get angry because our anger fuels our belief that we could do much better than the rubbish rolling on our screens (and you would be right). In our heads, as the movie goer, we can see where a script should go or how a joke should be made. And if that movie doesn't excite us or entertain us like we should, we are angered by its lack of awesome. If we are lucky enough to know what we are talking about with films then the pure irritation of money making movies is enough to send us on a quest to educate those less fortunate. And the more that particular film gathers fans or the more people hail it as the best thing ever, the smarter we feel because we know better.
But we don’t. Who can say what is right or wrong? After all, if I were to give you a Tarantino movie, I’d say you’d be split fifty/fifty; on one side there would be the fanatics who hail is work as God. On the other, there would be people blasting it as crap (and they would be wrong.) That’s because movies we hate are based on our opinion. Some people don’t want to see a gun toting Samuel L Jackson spouting Biblical verses and the fact that people do gives a spark to a fire inside of us that goes “I’m right, you’re wrong.” The well-researched (I hope) debate that comes with movies and cinema is just too good a feast to give up. And when we win said debate, those smarty pants endorphins are released; giving us a reason to hate.
These horrible films are going to be made regardless of what we deem as good or bad cinema. They exist as the villain to our hero, the good to our bad and the light to our dark. So keep in mind that when they release yet another Die Hard movie (cough cough) that just around the corner is another Django Unchained.
Depending on your opinion, of course.